Bronze & Summer Music Championships, Bury Farm 24th-26th August 2018

Friday saw a totally different situation with a much calmer atmosphere as the High Profile was finished and it was a warm up day for the Bronze and Music National Championships. Happy to reorganise my floor plan to ride to my old music. I went in and raised my hand to start my music. My new music started to play, no idea how or why and totally shocked not knowing what was going to happen we made the true meaning of freestyle and made it up on the fly. A little interesting in places, but some fab work saw us finish 2nd in the hottest freestyle class yet with a fab 71.88% and the perfect debut for our new music.
Saturday dawned and it was the big one…. the one I’ve been excited for and working hard for… the PSG Music Championships. Not on until 18:16 the wait was very long and hard to stay focussed. Eventually time to get on, and as usual Let’s Go isn’t the most obliging for evening riding, which created some interesting moments and movements in the warm up and some very unrequired movements! A little unsure as to how the test would go after the warm up and also unsure as to which music would work… I raised my hand and delighted to hear my new music playing loud and happy! A foot perfect trot tour, and a positive walk tour left me a little too confident going into the canter tour. Some absolutely incredible work, unfortunately also some minor mistakes costing us dearly over all. Stoked with his test however sure his mistakes cost us a top placing we unplaited chilled out and was so chuffed with how his test and the whole week had gone. Totally shocked and surprised to be Reserve Champion and then total panic when I was told it was a mounted prize giving… Poor Ludwig stood in his stable and looked at me as if I was mad… half seven in the evening and being plaited and then tacked up again and ridden at 8! He behaved impeccably and we both thoroughly enjoyed out first ever mounted prize giving. Here’s to many more… fingers crossed!