Hickstead Dressage Masters & Premier League 19th – 23rd June 2018

Well I’m not sure I have words to sum up this incredible week in Hickstead!!!!
My first ever premier league show, a very hot and tense atmosphere, a first for both Ludwig and I…..
Wednesday saw us complete a safe PSG in the morning, a great way to start the week but nothing too special, left us 15th place and a 64% that afternoon we rocked out for the Inter I a little more confident and believing and produced a lovely test for 65.75% and 14th place.
Thursday dawned and a little over eager after the day befores success I rode for lots of expression, unfortunately a little more than Ludwig could offer and created tension and confusion in the later half of the test, dropping us to 61% the afternoons Inter I, I knew I had to make peace with him in the ring and settle him back to find his confidence and somewhat under powered he took it all in very well and came away with a pleasing 63%
Friday was the 1st part of the Masters class and also a Premier League PSG and with some more interesting and non required movements in the warm up, he was on form for the test and he gave his all for a stunning performance to finish 4th in the class on 68.20% and leave us 2nd in the masters ahead of Saturday….
Freestyle time on Saturday and I’m always one to nail my music or be totally off…. There’s no in between with me!! A very tired pair in the most heavy and humid of weather we gave it a great shot, unfortunately I wasn’t to get my music right and a lack of expression from the weather cost us in the ring, but delighted to finish 5th over all in the Masters, it was a very tight competition.
Over joyed is an understatement, words don’t really express my feelings, not sure it’s all sunk in completely yet, but I think the smile on my face in the pictures says it all!!!!!!
Huge thanks to everyone who has made this possible for me, it’s a team effort and I wouldn’t be here without you all. To my parents and brother who support me always, through the highs and lows, my whole team back home who keep everything going to allow me away on such trips. To John Roche my chiropractor, always ensuring that both my horse and I are in best fitness, and to Heinrich Zieg and all his team in somerton for always having the answers and providing the very best of care. And to my sponsors Alan Ward Saddles for creating a saddle that allows my horse the freedom to express his potential and Dressage by Design for ensuring that we both looked are very best at all times.